Counting down infusion #9. I almost didn't get it because of my blood work. My ANC was too low because my white count was down. So back to taking a few shots this week. Hopefully it'll come back up and stay up. I also had to have another shot to get my red blood cells going. My hematocrit is down to 30 (started out at 43.5). No wonder I feel so tired. Afterwards Lindsey and I went and tasted wedding cake and got that ordered. One more thing down.
On Wednesday Lindsey and I, and Dr. Cowles went to Double Bluff and Freeland Beaches to look for varnish clams for Lindsey's project for her class. She is seeing if there are pea crabs in the clams. We had gone to Long Point a week ago, had dug up 50 clams, and there were no pea crabs. Took us awhile to find 50 clams at Double Bluff. Found them very quickly at Freeland. Dr. Cowles got some ghost shrimp that he was after. Later I measured the clams, and Lindsey cut them open and looked for the crabs. There were crabs in most of the clams from Double Bluff, but only 2 crabs in 1 clam from Freeland. They are tiny little soft crabs that live inside the clams. In case you are interested, the varnish clam is an invasive species to our area. Lindsey did her senior project on them.
Last weekend Ryan, Michael and Ashley came. We went kayaking on Sabbath evening out in the cove. Oh, Tim came too. Then on Sunday the first 3 tore down the fort (it was falling apart) and Tim worked on the waterfall. Almost finished. Slowly but surely things are coming together.
John is on call this weekend, and is in doing the 4th delivery of the day. Hopefully that will be it for the weekend.
Have a good weekend and a Happy Sabbath.