The photo is from a recent sunrise. Fortunately for me, sunrises are relatively late this time of year. I'm so glad I didn't miss this one. As a comment to my last post, Lindsey reminded me I should mention our latest motto: Say no to breasts!
I'm now 2 months out of chemo. I actually have a shadow of eyebrows, and short little eyelashes. They can't come in too quickly for me! I don't expect my hair to grow in that fast, and it is taking it's sweet time. I'll let you know when it is as long as John's. I can almost use my fingernails again. I'm trying to be patient. It's hard.
Just as I was beginning to feel pretty good, I'm now having to recuperate again. This time after a hysterectomy (technically an LAVH-BSO [laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy]). Yeah, it's a mouthful. My surgeon said I could go home when I had kept food down, gone for a walk, and used the restroom. I went home that evening. Of course it doesn't hurt that I have someone at home who knows how to take care of post-op patients. I'm doing very well.
John heard a very sweet song on the radio the other day. It is sung by a little 6-year-old girl that they are keeping anonymous. The writer has kept a diary of how the song came about and has progressed. It is very interesting. Check it out at www.bringhimhomesanta.com