So that last post ended rather abruptly. It was Friday night...I was tired...I had hit the wall so to speak. I was happily surprised this morning to see the 2 comments that had already come in. Thanks!
I have been planning on setting this blog up for some time now. First, I had to pick a blog sight. There is a wonderful non-profit sight called that was created specifically for communication for people in crisis. After much indecision (Lindsey had to get it from somewhere), I decided that (1) I don't really feel like I'm in crisis; and (2) I thought that maybe my sarcasm, and cynical way of looking at life might not be appreciated. Like someone said, I might even get kicked off. So I chose this spot.
Next problem: I had to come up with both a title and a URL (web address). But more on that later. Right now, we are going to try to beat out the rain with a hike at Ebey's with some friends.
What a great site you have started. Although we do not live close by you can now know you are not far from our hearts.
As I have not experienced a similar situation I cannot imagine your experience. You seem to be weathering it with more grace and dignity than I imagine I would.
We hope to see you soon, until then; I will look forward to your next post.
Glad to see the site up. It'll be nice to stay updated too. Brian admires your "creativity" with the naming of your site--made him laugh!
You're in our thoughts and prayers.
You were just a young girl with a quick mind and determined spirit when I first met you...and it appears that you have continued to maintain and develop those great traits.
Sending positive thoughts and love to you as you go through the process of healing..
Hi Terri; thanks for including Denise and me in your blog group. I really enjoyed your blog name, clever and in good humor. Of course you are in out thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good spirits, you will get through this.
Well I'll have to admitt that the site name startled me at first. Appreciate the "stiff upper lip" and humor to lighten the way. The way life seems to have so many twists and curves seems to help keep the thoughts on what's most important.
It was good to talk with John the other evening and here that you were doing so well. Hopefully we'll get a chance to get up your way this spring or summer.
God bless you all.
Hi Terri & John--Woke up to sunshine after a couple of days of dismal...As always, these days, you two came to mind. This site is great because "we, out here" can keep in touch with you without bombardment. Hope you're having a good day--if you are out hiking, that's reassuring that you are feeling pretty well. Keep up your determination and good spirits. We love you and pray always for your complete recovery. Meg
Hi from your cousin, Janis, in Mt Vernon. Good idea to have a blog. You'll probably hear from friends and family you didn't realize are thinking and praying for you, ie. me. I live only 6 minutes from the Mt Vernon hospital. You probably won't want feel like visiting, but if you ever needed anything (anything at all) you could call me. I'll send your mom my cell phone number.
Hi, Terri,
Love your blog name...Ha!Ha! Your sense of humor is amasing and admirable under the circumstances. We have kept you in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
Love, Tom and Lisa
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