Monday, June 4, 2007

2/3rds thru first round

Had infusion #8. The last several times they've had a hard time getting blood return from my port. This time I had to be declotted so that took awhile longer than usual. The hand-foot syndrome is getting pretty bad, so my oncologist recommended a week off of chemo. Yeah! Especially since both kids will be graduating from Walla Walla College this weekend. Lindsey is graduating with Environmental Science. Her fiance' Jason has a double major: Math and Mechanical Engineering, and Ryan is graduating with Civil Engineering. So it will be quite the weekend! And with no chemo this week, hopefully I'll be up to it all.

John Sr and Marge left Wednesday evening. Again, we can't thank them enough for all their hard work. The pond is currently, slowly filling (some rain might help). I've already seen birds taking a bath in it. Work on and around it continue, but at a much slower pace since it's pretty much just John. I try to help where I can. A lot of the time it's just moral support.

On Sabbath we had a visit from Pam Curtis and Caite (Paige and Matthew were with Pathfinders). We had such a nice visit and supper. Thanks for taking the time and coming up to see us! It was great to see you and do some catching up.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to say that I love you. I'll see you guys in a couple days...

Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting a break from chemo this week. We'll help all we can so you can enjoy a great graduation weekend with your family. We love you! Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Such a joy to see you at graduation! what fun! **YOU** are amazing - Adriamycin and Cytoxan are tough - and although you may not feel like it - you look great.
So happy you got a break for the trip - hopefully we didn't wear you out too much!
Love, MK