Wednesday, May 21, 2008

another check-up

The picture is of John and me at Keystone with SCUBA instructor Bob after John's check-out dives. They thought he should get the prize for most persistent, since it was 3 years ago that he started his first class. A ruptured eardrum prevented him from finishing. Then he tried again, but wasn't able to finish because of work. Before he could reschedule I was diagnosed, so it got put on hold for another year. But he is now a certified open water diver. Yea!

I attend a support group, and this month 3 of us had just had check-ups the previous week. The emotions it brings up can be quite overwhelming. I had been having some issues with my neck, so ended up having chest x-ray, C-spine and neck CT. Everything looked fine. So another 4 months.

Someone asked me if I think about it (cancer) every day. It's kind of hard not to, especially with the visual of the scars. And while I know I haven't gone a day without thinking about it, it doesn't consume my time or attention like it used to. There are times when emotionally you have to bring it out and deal with it (like around check-up times). Then you put it away , hoping it will be a long time before you have to pull it out again.

John and I went to Monterey Bay Academy for alumni weekend (John's 30th. I know, it's hard to believe!). During church, a drama called "Stepping Into the Ring", written by Nicole Johnson was presented. I had not ever heard of it, and had no idea it was about breast cancer. It is a very intense presentation. And with my own diagnosis and treatment being so recent, much of the dialog was hitting me very hard, as hard as the punches that were being portrayed on stage. When it concluded, I was sitting there totally dazed. It was then that John returned. He had slipped out to use the restroom, and had missed the whole thing.

I had another "first". Cindy trimmed my hair. She shaped it up a bit, being very careful not to take very much off. I get compliments on it often, which is very nice. But as I told John today, I'm looking forward to having a pony-tail again!'

Next weekend John and I will be participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life here in Oak Harbor. I'm not sure quite what to expect. It should prove to be an interesting 24 hours.

This post is actually being "posted" May 31, at around 11:30 pm.


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what this ordeal has been like for you and your family. I've always wondered how I would respond if I were diagnosed with cancer--I guess we don't know until it happens--but your courage and your family support is precious!! It's awesome that you are still so active with your family--scuba diving, kyacking (sp?)--I've seen alot of your pictures having outdoor fun!!

I also am a certified scuba diver--it's been a long time since I have gone on a dive so I'd probably need a refresher course--if nothing else so I'd be safe. It's too back we live so far apart--I'd love to go diving with you!!

Keep it up--you're an inspiration to me!!--thank you for sharing your story!!

Karen Burt Brewer said...

Actually I'm not anonymous...I just clicked the button too's me (Karen Burt Brewer) so let's try this again...

Anonymous said...

OK I forgot to tell you that my scuba diving wetsuit was hot pink and black (like your motorcycle outfit)--just a bit of trivia!! Unfortunately all my soft gear was stollen some years back and I haven't been diving since but would love to get back into it and would buy another bright pink/black suit again!!