God figures heavily into people's thinking at times like these. Either you don't think about Him or you seriously question Him. I don't think there is another reasonable option. Anyone who will tell you otherwise is fooling themselves.
God has said, "Come, let us reason together." Isaih 1:18 KJV. Or as the New RSV says, "Come, let us argue it out". The Good News tranlators wanted finality. "Now, let us settle the matter." He wants us to seriously question Him. Not just for the sake of questioning but to reach a conclusion.
Christ (who by the way, is God) has said "I do not call you servants any longer....Instead I call you friends..." True friends can ask each other anything. Just ask Joey, Ross, Chandler, Rachel, Monica and Phoebe.
Cancer is the ultimate sign of freedom. Freedom at a molecular level to be completely destructive. How can God allow freedom and yet prevent cancer? I don't believe He does prevent cancer. He does allow freedom in His universe. Hence destruction is a possibility. And it is not just a possibility but a reality for many people.
But Why Me??? Wrong question. Rather Why not me? Elijah was taken to Heaven in a fiery chariot. Elisha witnessed this and yet died alone of a fatal disease. (1 Kings 13:14-21) John the Baptist was beheaded while Jesus was on Earth. Lazarus was raised. What's up with that? (Lazarus obviously!)
It has been said of John the Baptist that "not Enoch, who was translated to heaven, not Elijah, who ascended in a chariot of fire, was greater or more honored than John the Baptist, who perished alone in the dungeon...And of all the gifts that Heaven can bestow upon men, fellowhip with Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the highest honor." Gift??? Suffering???
There is something bigger than us at stake here.
It has also been said, "But the plan of redemption had a yet broader and deeper purpose than the salvation of man. It was not for this alone that Christ came to the earth; it was not merely that the inhabitants of this little world might regard the law of God as it should be regarded; but it was to vindicate the character of God before the universe...The act of Christ in dying for.. man..would.. before all the universe..justify God..." Lots of ... but the point is God is on trial.
Romans 8:28 has two suggested translations in the Good News version. "We know that in all things God works for good..." or "All things work for good.." It might not seem different but I think close examination will show a world of difference. God is always working for good. But not everything is good. I prefer the first translation. It just fits with reality better. And God looks better.
God's answer to Job in chapter 38-41 builds to a climactic description of what I believe is the Devil. God has a serious problem. We can help. But we will get our hands dirty. But He will always work for good. Over simplification?? Truth is simple.
This apparent rambling has a point. Terri and I share this view of God and it sustains us at our core. We believe that "in all things God works for good." And we trust Him.
This poem by Linda Mae Richardson, Wichita, Kansas is very meaningful to me.
When I was diagnosed with Cancer:
My first friend came and expressed his shock by saying,
"I can't believe that you have cancer.
I always thought you were so active and healthy."
He left and I felt alienated and somehow very "different."
My second friend came and brought me information about
different treatments being used for cancer. He said,
"Whatever you do, don't take chemotherapy.
It's a poison!"
He left and I felt scared and confused.
My third friend came and tried to answer my "whys?"
with the statement "Perhaps God is disciplining you for
some sin in your life?"
He left and I felt guilty.
My fourth friend came and told me,
"If your faith is just great enough God will heal you."
He left and I felt my faith must be inadequate.
My fifth friend came and told me to remember that
"All things work together for good."
He left and I felt angry.
My sixth friend never came at all.
I felt sad and alone.
My seventh friend came and held my hand and said,
"I care, I'm here, I want to help you through this."
He left and I felt loved!