It's been a hairy week. (That was John's contribution). I can't believe it's been a week since I posted anything. On the weekend we celebrated Lindsey and Brett's birthdays. We had some hydroseeding done, so have spent numerous hours changing sprinklers. On Monday I went to a "look good...feel better" class put on by the American Cancer Society. The facilitator, Donald was great. He's going to help me with my wig next week. But I also met a lady who is undergoing the same treatment as me, she is just about 10 weeks ahead. So it was good to talk to her. Then on Tuesday, Janelle came with me to my visit. Thanks for keeping me company Janelle! Interesting tidbit, I'm kind of loosing my finger prints, so now I take B-6 three times a day. Still learning all the weird side effects.
And then there's the hair. I used to need an extra large rubber band to hold my ponytail. Well, it was down to a little rubber band wrapped around it 3 times would barely hold it, and my scalp was so tender. So first we cut off the ponytail. Then John used scissors, the Flow-be, the buzzer, and finally a razor. It actually feels so much better! And so far, I've only freaked John out once. He didn't admit it to me until tonight, but last night when I was getting up off the couch, and all he saw was my bald head it startled him. One thing I've learned very quickly is that hair does keep your head warm. I have to wear a hat out to the jacuzzi or my head is too cold. But at least it will grow back. Which brings me to a little something for John that I read in "Cancer Has Its Privileges". It's by Deborah Treneer Pitman:
In the beginning,
He helped me wash my hair
And put on my socks.
In the middle,
He helped me wash my socks
And put on my hair.
In the end,
We walked together barefoot without a care
While the wind blew softly through our hair.
Okay...you made me cry! Tears of amazement at what an incredible person you are! You are an inspiration to me! By the way, you are beautiful without hair! Love you, Polly
I have to agree with Polly--you look radiant without hair. Wow! Interesting side effects. Hadn't heard from anyone before about the fingerprint situation. Cindy Waring told me today that when Brittany heard about Ryan's being engaged, it made her feel depressed. Too bad--she missed a "good guy!" Marge
Hey Terri,
You look good without hair. Hope you like the chemo skull cap that I knitted for you. I used a light weight yarn so it would be nice and cool in the warmer months, and light so it will hopefully not irritate your scalp. I'm going to Texas on the 13th to visit my mom, and will make some more surprises while I'm gone. Love, Lisa
Ok, I'm glad to see others see what I see. You are beautiful! Hair really doesn't seem to make any difference at all! Scott is so happy to have someone that can share his "cold head" feeling :).
Love Tami
Terri you truly look beautiful. I sincerely agree with the rest of the comments. I haven't seen Tim without a hat but your scalp is much prettier than Scott's! Love, Janelle
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