Saturday, April 5, 2008

Time in pictures

A lot has happened since I last blogged, and I haven't had much time for DEEP THOUGHTS, or pretty much thoughts of any kind, so this one will be more informational. We took a ski vacation to Silver Star in Vernon, BC, for my mom's 70th birthday. She skied all three days and did great! After we got back, we helped Ryan move back to Walla Walla where he is teaching a couple classes in engineering. Very cool! We picked up Cindy's dog Rambo to watch for a couple weeks, and the first morning he treed our cat, Shadow. Just had to throw that picture in.

On Thursday (Apr 3) I had what should be my last surgery for reconstruction. All went well and I was home by late afternoon. I am again wrapped Victor/Victoria-ish and am looking forward to unwrapping on Sunday.

Today I am celebrating my 6 month anniversary from the end of chemo. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday I was chemo sick, and other times it seems like a lifetime ago. Of course my hair (or lack of it) is a pretty major reminder that it wasn't that long ago! Except for recovering from surgery again, I am feeling well. I think it's about time. I have plants that need planting, (if it would ever stop raining; our ground is so saturated that a pair of mallards has taken up residence in a puddle on our grass and in the pond. Seriously.) and many other things we've had to put off doing for way too long. I am soaking in the renewing spirit of spring, physically, as well as emotionally and spiritually.


Anonymous said...

Poor Shadow

Anonymous said...

anonymous is me, Lindsey. I don't have any of those accounts and I'm starving and didn't want to mess with anything. So apparently I'm anonymous.

Anonymous said...


I have not read your blog for some time. I love the pictures and to read how life moves forward. The last six months has gone by quickly for me and it seems you also have been busy. Have not seen Ryan yet, Hope to soon. For "empty nesters" we seem to be busier than ever.

See you soon, Les